Fire in Nahuel Huapi Park: Strategies and Challenges

The brigades are tirelessly working on the fire in Nahuel Huapi Park, protecting the areas near the lakes. 5885 hectares have burned, and collaboration among various agencies is crucial.

Fire in Nahuel Huapi Park: Strategies and Challenges

A forest fire in the Nahuel Huapi National Park area has kept authorities and local residents on alert. Although the fire has not yet reached the Paso Tandil area, the focus has been on protecting nearby populations, especially Cascada los Alerces.

In the Casa de Té and entablonado area, firefighters have been working hard using manual tools to create a defense line 7 meters wide and 1,200 meters long. This line has extended from the creek descending from las Melisas to the Manso River, surrounding the entire entablonado area. On the other hand, between Cerro Alcorta and Laguna Quetro, direct attack on the fire has continued using water equipment, and a helicopter landing point has been established on the slope of Cerro Alcorta.

In Los Manzanos, firefighters were evacuated on Wednesday for safety reasons due to the advancing fire and unfavorable weather conditions. Despite the light rain recorded on Thursday, the fire has consumed an area of 5,885 hectares so far. During overflights to assess the situation, it was observed that the fire spreads with greater intensity on the northeast slope of Cerro Colorado towards the isthmus of Lakes Martin and Steffen from Cascada los Alerces.

Ground work has continued with a total of 110 firefighters and 100 personnel providing logistical, operational, administrative, communication, and technical support. Various organizations, such as the Río Negro Forest Fire Prevention Service, Neuquén Provincial Fire Management Service, Argentine Army, and Argentine Naval Prefecture, among others, have joined efforts to control the fire and protect the affected area.